Maria Kaner
Graphic Designer and Art Director
I'm a designer and art director with almost 10 years of experience in the beauty industry. The brand I worked for, Krygina, had a diverse portfolio, including its own cosmetic brands, an online cosmetics store, a monthly subscription sample kit, a beauty salon, and event management. As an in-house graphic designer and art director, I had various responsibilities across different projects.

My main job was to oversee the design of all our beauty campaigns and marketing content, from the initial concept to directing photo and film shoots, as well as managing retouching and layout processes. Also a large part of my job involved creating concepts and designs for cosmetic product identities and packaging.

On top of our own projects, I had the opportunity to collaborate with teams from some of the world's leading cosmetics brands. It was a great chance to learn about industry best practices and trends, which I could then use in our own work.